2020 Resolutions, Revised For 2021
I’ve tweaked my 2020 New Year’s resolution list to better reflect the realities of 2021.
Lose five twenty-five pounds.
Exercise daily my right to watch 90-Day Fiancé all day in bed. While eating Stacy’s Pita Chips. What? They’re baked!
Try to meditate shower twice a week.
Read a New Yorker article Watch a TikTok from start to finish.
Eat more greens my feelings.
Limit alcohol intake. NO FUCKING WAY.
Organize kids’ artwork COVID tests.
Go to tailor for alterations elastic waistband store.
Start wearing sunscreen anything other than sweatpants.
Keep a daily gratitude journal six feet away from everyone and everything at all times.
Make amends no plans.
Make peace no plans.
Make more no plans.
Make love more often no promises.
Renew passport Hulu subscription.
RSVP to nothing at all.
Eat out less often. Not a problem.
Tell people your true feelings. DO NOT.
Dance Weep like no one’s watching.
Make self-care a fully stocked liquor cabinet a priority.
Be kinder to Do not murder my husband.
Drink more water.
Find a therapist Write more blogs.